The If no files are found section of the Advanced options tab allows you to configure specific actions if any errors or inexistent files are detected when the activity is started. It allows you to index all the files present on the server in the vars.filenames event variable in which the file names are separated by the ‘n’ characters. List all files: this option is available when selecting the File listing action in the General tab. Sorting files: enables you to sort files alphanumerically. If you leave this option unchecked, make sure you manually monitor the size of your archived content in the SFTP directory. The Additional options section, available depending on the protocol selected, allows you to add parameters to your protocol.ĭelete the source files after transfer: erases the files on the remote server. File(s) present on the Adobe Campaign server.This action is mainly used for debugging purposes, to check if the activity is configured according to your needs before downloading the files from the remote server. File listing: allows you to list the files present on the server defined in the Protocol tab.Test to see if file exists: allows you to check whether there is a file.For more information on export audits, refer to the Auditing exports section. Uploading a file from Adobe Campaign file generates a log entry in the Export audits menu. File upload: allows you to upload a file.
File download: allows you to download a file.Use the drop-down list in the Action field to select one of the following activity actions: Select the activity, then open it using the button from the quick actions that appear. Use case: Updating data based on an automatic file downloadĭrop a Transfer file activity into your workflow.You can use this activity to recover data that will then be structured with the Load file activity. The file to load may be a list of contacts, for example. The way in which the data will be extracted is defined when the activity is configured. The Transfer file activity allows you to receive or send files, test whether there are files present, or list files in Adobe Campaign.